The Chinese University of Hong Kong Apps

強身健體穴位按摩法 1.0
本程式由香港中文大學中醫學院製作, 介紹如何運用穴位按摩舒緩50種平日常見的如流鼻血,宿醉, 落枕等症狀。本程式內容包括:(1) 介紹50種平日常見的健康問題, 以及可以舒緩該症狀的相關穴位。(2) 附以圖片介紹穴位的位置, 其功效及按摩手法。(3) 圖片可以手指點擊放大, 縮小及移動。(4) 有繁體及簡體中文, 英文3個文字版本方便不同人士使用。(5) 經常更新中文大學中醫學院舉辦的活動。School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kongdeveloped this acupressure app which aims to educate the communitythe knowledge of acupoints and its massage method for relieving thesympotms of mild health problems.The content of the app include:(1) Introduce 50 mild health problems and the related acupointsthat can relieve symptoms.(2) Pictures showing the location of acupoints, introduce itsindication and massage method.(3) Pictures can be enlarge and move by clicking.(4) With Traditional, Simplified Chinese and English version.(5) Update school activities of School of Chinese Medicine.
United College, founding College of TheChinese University of Hong Kong, introduces this mobile platform tofacilitate the interaction between teachers and students in theGeneral Education courses. Utilizing the flexibilities of wirelessnetwork and popularity of mobile devices, the application aims atproviding a useful tool to assist the teaching and learningactivities in large class environment; where time and setting limitthe interaction between teacher and students.Two key features are:1) raising questions and sharing ideas; and2) collecting instant feedback through voting.
The Art Museum, CUHK 1.0.7
The Art Museum, The Chinese University of HongKong serves the community by collecting, preserving, researchingand exhibiting a wide range of artifacts illuminating the richarts, humanities, and cultural heritage of ancient and pre-modernChina. The Art Museum promotes the excellence of both its permanentcollections and loan collections of Chinese art and their use forscholarly endeavours and outreach efforts. As auniversity teachingmuseum, it offers in-depth practice of museology and teaching ofart history and heritage through direct and sustained access tooriginal Chinese works of art by collaborating with the Departmentof Fine Arts. With different University faculties it advocatesinterdisciplinary approaches to the social, cultural,technologicaland historical context of Chinese art. Founded in1971, the Art Museum has been taking an active role in achievingthe objectives of the University in promoting Chinese culture andheritage,and facilitating academic exchange between China and theWest, as well as enriching the cultural lives and spiritualwell-being of society.
針灸學 – 經絡與穴位 1.0
本程式由香港中文大學中醫學院製作,目的主要方便學習針灸人士可隨時隨地覆習經脈與穴位的相關資料, 並簡單介紹學習針灸的基本知識,令學習針灸人士對針灸學有基本概念, 可以在經驗豐富的註冊中醫師指導下更有效地學習博大精深的針灸術。本程式內容包括:(1) 十二經脈和奇經八脈的經脈走向, 並附以圖解。(2) 詳列397個穴位 (包括36個經外奇穴) 的定位、主治、解剖及針灸法等資料。(3) 各穴位附以經絡圖解釋穴位位置, 圖片可以手指點擊放大, 縮小及移動。(8) 用戶可按經脈, 穴位 及疾病三方面查詢相關資訊。(9) 簡單概述學習針灸的其他知識, 如練習方法, 預備工作, 進針方法及注意事項等。(10) 有繁體及簡體中文, 英文三個文字版本方便不同人士使用。(11) 經常更新中文大學中醫學院舉辦的活動。School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kongdeveloped this acupuncture app which aims to facilitate traditionalChinese Medicine students and other healthcare professionals tostudy acupuncture with the guidance of well experienced registeredChinese Medicine Practitioner effectively.The content of the app include:(1) The route of 12 meridians and 8 extraordinary merdians (withpictures).(2) The location, indication and needling method of 397 acupoints(including 36 extraordinary points)(3) Pictures for all meridians and acupoints can be enlarged andmoved.(4) Users can search the information according to the category ofmeridian, acupoints and diseases.(5) Information like practicing method, preparation work, needlingmethod and precaution are also listed.(6) With Traditional, Simplified Chinese and English version.(7) Update school activities of School of Chinese Medicine.
Health Science App 1.0.0
HSapp is an automarking application related to Health Sciences I
Chung Chi Mobile 1.0.1
Chung ChiMobile讓學生、教職員、校友及訪客掌握學院資訊及最新消息。香港中文大學崇基學院手機應用程式「Chung Chi Mobile」讓學生、教職員、校友及訪客掌握學院資訊及最新消息。透過行動裝置開啟Chung Chi Mobile,就能隨時隨地獲得以下資訊:- 學院最新消息- 現正舉辦及即將舉辦的活動資訊- 校園地圖- 校園通訊及校友通訊網上登記 如有查詢或意見,請傳送電郵至香港中文大學崇基學院
PhysioApp 1.0
PhysioApp is about respiratory & cardiovascular systems inresponse to exercise.
香港嬰兒手語1 1.0
香港嬰兒手語2 1.0
香港手語初探 1.1
Safety + Nurses 0.1
To educate nursing students to identify risk factors and ensuresafety
Mitochon VR 1.3.1
This app provides a VR experience to users about the mitochondrialfunctions.
樂語路找找看 1.1
Speak Along 2.0.7
Designed to improve children's Cantonese, communication and socialskills
VR|FN 1.0
VR modules for user to understand Aristotelian Cosmology andNewtonian Mechanics
3D Plant Cell Organelles in VR 1.1
Tomogram models in VR. Users can explore and interact with 3D plantorganelles
ATP Synthase [AR] 2.0
AR to illustrate the structure and function of ATP synthase inmitochondria.
CUHK Mobile 1.3.59
CUHK Mobile provides information and latest news of the University.
Hi-Med App 1.0.1
Hi-Med App is an innovative mobile app for studying the histologyof bone.
CUHK Soft Skills Mentor 1.0.0
Welcome to Soft Skills Mentor! This is an e-Learning platformwhichwill prepare you for the exciting yet challenging worldbeyondcampus. The goal of Soft Skills Mentor is to equip you with askillset not taught in the typical classroom. You will be exposedtoareas such as career planning, resume writing, presentationskillsand social-affective skills to help you find the rightcareer. Youcan also gain insights from the successful stories ofCUHK alumniand fellow students across different disciplines. *Login – enterCUHK student ID to log in * Latest – check out thelatest updatesin Soft Skills Mentor. Click on the title that willbring you tothe specific section * Calendar – check out thecalendar foractivities or workshops related to soft skills trainingin thecampus * Recent Visit – show the recent browsing history *Search –you can narrow your search results by keywords appearing inmodule,section, company’s name or speaker’s name.
CU Trails 1.6.22
CU Trails is a fitness activity mobile application (app) devisedforstudents of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK): - Topromotephysical activity participation for the students; - Tobuild ahealthier life style through fitness activity for thestudents; - Tointroduce and well utilize the newly establishedCUHK walking trailsto all new students every year. The app will beintroduced to allyear 1 CUHK students during the Required andElective PhysicalEducation (PE) courses of different sportsevents. CUHK staffs arealso welcomed to use this app to enhancehealth conditions withinthe CUHK campus. Features: - Provide 3sport types for recording:Running, walking/jogging & hiking -Allow user to choose among 3preset CUHK trails (based on thedistance and difficulty of eachtrail. It will pass through all 9colleges and some beautiful andunique landmarks of CUHK ) - Alsoallow user to define their trailswithin or outside CUHK campus forexercises - Measure the walkingdistance, number of steps,walking/jogging/hiking time and speed -Mark walking/jogging/hikingpath on map via Global PositioningSystem (GPS) tracker - Calculatecalories burned whilewalking/jogging/hiking - Provide the “Top 10”of the calories burned(accumulated) based on the CUHK participants- Provide tips forusers about apps usage and the trials. - Serveas the Personalfitness activity log to monitor their own progressand fitness level- Students will be invited to fill in survey onregular basis tocollect feedback and evaluation over theeffectiveness of regularexercising.
Oroeasy 1.0.3
provides a list of oral motor exercise training programme togeneral public
香港嬰兒手語3 1.0
反轉親子站 0.0.6
Designed by child psychologists, based on psychological research.Guide parents to sort out their thoughts on parenting, so as toimprove the way of discipline and enhance parent-childrelationship. It takes about 5 minutes a day for five weeks.
CanTONEse 1.0
CanTONEse is an App which aims to provide Non-Cantonesenativespeaking students with an online learning platform to enhancetheirCantonese learning. Instead of helping the non-Cantonesenativestudents memorize the tone of every character, the app trytoemphasize the general difference between 6 Cantonesetones.Teaching materials with recordings, self-assessmentexercises,daily conversations and an interactive game are availablein theApp.
A-V-E-N-GE-R: A Virtual rEality game for Nursing study in GEnomicsResearch
Pneumoconiosis 5
To educate South Asian workers about pneumoconiosis and itspreventive measures.
健康寶 iHealth Screen 1.3.2
Perform free self-help health-screening tests through mobiledevices at anytime!
怡情健心 1.05
香港中文大學賽馬會運動良藥計劃 EIM@CUHK-JC 20.0
樂語路故事列車 1.0.0
Leyu Road Story Train allows children to learn the structure ofstories and the use of connectives through a dynamic train toimprove their narrative skills. After successfully unlocking thestation level, you can get memory fragments, and after collectingall the memory fragments, you can get a special surprise!
樂語路社交王 1.0.0
Sunshine At CUHK 3.33.297
Sunshine At CUHK mobile application is a wellbeing app.
UrHeard 2.0.3
A peer support network providing CUHK students with directions forsolutions
VR Biomolecules 1.2.2
The apps allows you to manipulate biomolecules in 3-D using VRheadset.
Take on Hong Kong (CUHK)
Aim to promote understanding and interest in local historyandculture
MyCUsports 4.1.0
All-in-one sports app for CUHK members
Mitochon VR II 1.0
Provides VR experience about the carnitine shuttle andmitochondrial functions.
AR Flow Cytometer 1.3
Concrete the experience in understanding the basic principle offlow cytometry
樂語路拼拼看 1.1
日常心活 Mindful Flourishing 1.0.5
Promote a rich life through mindfulness exercises
中大痛症 3.9
"CUHK Pain" provides you with various musculoskeletalrehabilitationexercises, stretching and other pain-relievingexercises. The entireprogram is overseen by family medicineprofessors and physicaltherapists to provide support for your painareas.
賽馬會We WATCH優活健康計劃 2.4.0
"Jockey Club We WATCH Health Plan" hopes to help middle-agedpeopleimprove their living habits and prevent or delay chronicdiseases.Program fees are free. You are welcome to download thisprogram andstart your journey to a healthy life.
Pai.ACT 1.0
EC Screen 2.0.0
A concise dementia screening test provided by CUHK.
CUHK Saathi Vaccination Guide 1.3
Enhancing influenza and COVID-19 vaccine awareness for HKSouthAsian community.
CUHK Horizons 1.0.1
Horizons e-Platform is a new learning platform from FacultyofEducation, CUHK